The story of the world-famous Champagne appellation started a long time ago With an exceptional terroir that produced wines like no Other. Over the centuries
man’s talent transformed the wines’ characteristic effervescence into the purest expression of a very special delicacy. The following pages trace the history of a unique area of appellation that has been developing for hundreds of years - and is still developing today.
From the Romans Who first made their mark on the area to the glittering Champagne Houses that we see today, the making of the appellation reads like an adventure story. Things did not always go smoothly by any means and it is a tribute to human endeavour that Champagne was already something of a legend at the start of the 20th century. The Champenois by that time were fiercely determined to protect their precious heritage and the battle for delimitation was at its height. With the official recognition of the Appellation d’origine contrôlée Champagne came the culmination of a 20-year process dedicated to the demarcation and regulation of the Champagne production area.
At the start of the Third Millennium, the Champenois may be justly proud of their achievements. The Champagne appellation has come to stand as a benchmark for excellence among producers and consumers Who look to it for authenticity and an almost visionary quality.
To build on that success is the task of the Comité interprofessionnel du vin de Champagne, the joint trade association that represents all Champagne Houses and Growers. One of its key missions is to preserve the exclusive nature of the Champagne appellation and promote its qualities to the widest possible audience.