UMC - Grandes Marques et Maisons de Champagne

Home > Appellation > Geographical area > Vallée de la Marne > Grande Vallée de Marne > Aÿ


Post Code: 51160
Commune Number: 51030

Agricultural holding

221 operators
Area of Holding: 356.10 ha

Area by grape variety:
  • 29.60 ha Chardonnay
  • 9.80 ha Meunier
  • 316.10 ha Pinots-Noirs
  • 0.60 ha other varieties
Some vines form part of the vineyards owned by the following Houses:
Churchde Aÿ
Town hallde Aÿ
Town hall

Special features

Devise de la ville : "Aÿ, une ville qui pétille !"



Pressoria 1890

In 2021 Champagne Pommery’s historic press house was repurposed as the Centre d’Interprétation Sensorielle Dédié aux Vins de Champagne (dedicated centre for the sensory appreciation of Champagne wines). Otherwise everything about the building itself remains unmistakably Pommery, starting with its neo-Elizabethan architecture inspired by the Pommery Head Office in Reims.

Manoir Henri Giraud XIXème siècle

Champagne Henri Giraud has chosen to breathe new life into this listed 19th century residence. The spaces have been redefined to accommodate guests during a visit to Aÿ.

Henri Giraud

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